What's Phlite?

Phlite, the open-source software developed by a couple of dedicated amateur photographs, allows everyone to easily create a photo portfolio website. There's no need to know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Flash, AS3, or any of those other acronyms. Just download Phlite, upload it to your server, follow the one-step guided installation and you're ready to go.

As if creating the site wasn't simple enough, updating your site is even easier. You ready for this? Step one, upload your photos to your Flickr account. Step two? There isn't one; your site will be updated with your new photos.

If you feel so inclinced you may also perform further steps, such as customizing the look and feel of your new website. Change the colors, move things around, develop your own custom template, or add pages; the possibilities are limited only to your creativity. And should you develop something awesome or beautiful be sure to send it back to us. Maybe we'll include it in the next release of Phlite.

Can I see a demo?

Sure! Check out visualDissonance, the photo portfolio of Matthew Congrove and the first site that used Phlite.

Some of our friends are also using Phlite, including Misti Blu Day.

Got any templates?

Phlite comes installed with one (soon to be two) templates. They're incredibly basic, but get the job done. Soon we'll be adding more templates here for download.

If you'd like to share a template you've created please let us know.